The Korean play, ‘A story of an old thief’ 배우 박철민의 ‘늘근 도둑 이야기’

1월 29, 2015 at 6:05 오후 A story of an old thief, , , , , , Jung Kyung Ho, Park Chul Min, Sori Art Hall, 늘근 도둑 이야기, 박철민, 소리 아트홀, 아트엠콘서트, 아트엠플러스, 정경호, 컬쳐엠, 컬쳐엠 매거진
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Photos by NINE STORY

100% Successful shows in 60 cities, won the Golden Ticket Power Awards. Yes, you are right. The satiric Korean play, ‘A story of an old thief’ is back with a famous Korean actor, Park Chul Min in this winter. As the best scene stealer of Korea, he was loved by many fans since debut. Moreover, The Korean play, ‘A story of an old thief’ was played in DaeHakRo since 1998.

In fact, ‘A story of an old thief’ is a play full of humor and satires. Also, it’s a very pleasant and funny play where your belly buttons will fly out because of the humors and satires. CultureM Magazine talks about the satiric Korean play, ‘A story of an old thief’ with a Korean actor, Park Chul Min who plays a younger thief in the paly.

All performing actors of A story of an old thief

All performing actors of ‘A story of an old thief’

대통령 취임 특사로 감옥에서 풀려난 두 늙은 도둑의 이야기로 2015년 대한민국을 풍자와 해학으로 일갈하는 연극 ‘늘근 도둑 이야기’. 명실공히 26년간 대학로를 대표하는 작품으로 사랑 받아온 연극 ‘늘근 도둑 이야기’가 국가대표 씬 스틸러, 배우 박철민과 함께 돌아왔다. 매 공연마다 이어지는 촌철살인 도둑들의 만담과 폭풍 애드리브, 그리고 관객을 사로잡는 화려한 입담과 거침없는 순발력까지. 컬쳐엠매거진이 배우 박철민을 만나 연극 ‘늘근 도둑 이야기’를 안주 삼아 유쾌한 이야기를 나눴다.

Jung Kyung Ho & Park Chul Min of A story of an old thief

Jung Kyung Ho & Park Chul Min of ‘A story of an old thief’

A famous Korean actor, Park Chul Min

A famous Korean actor, Park Chul Min

The Korea play A story of an old thief poster image

The Korea play ‘A story of an old thief’ poster image

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