HAPPY NEW AIR 병신년에도 건강하세요

1월 8, 2016 at 3:07 오후 , , , , , , , , French Artist, HAPPY NEW AIR, , 순수예술, 아트엠콘서트, 아트엠플러스, 컬쳐엠, 컬쳐엠 매거진, 파리, 프랑스, 프랑스 예술가, 프랑스 화가, 프레드
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Words & Artworks by Moontain(www.moontain.org)


Weeks, Months, Years …

There comes a point where it almost gets useless to count them. Still, it answers some of our own curiosity to look back in the mirror, to compare what we’ve accomplished from a year to another.

But it could be interesting to look at it differently, because weeks are plenty but Life is unique.

There are things we thought would happen this year and did not, and maybe they will not next year either … why would we complain about it ? As long as we sincerely work & act for it, then it will happen … when it will happen.

And we better feel fine with it *


Because it opens up a field full of possibilities, some surprises(pleasing or not) might cross our path so we can continue to evolve in ways we did not think about, just like a growing tree will both meet new kinds of birds as the branches get higher & funny fossils as the roots get deeper.

Who knows what could result from such discoveries *


Mixedreams by Moontain

In the end, “time” is just an illusion, and can generate imaginary limits or markers. Some will use it like a motivation, when some others could feel overwhelmed by this clock ticking in their heads. That being said no way is better than an other, but once again, a balance has to be found so we can make the best of our choices, dreams, projects …

Wishing everyone to meet their best and to share it with others !


Mixedreams by Moontain

* Happy New Air *



2142346545753Contributor, MOONTAIN

French solo artist, MOONTAIN. What drives him is the desire to be and to re-member, as much as the will to share positive waves and insights to help the Change. More detail, 

음악과 미술, 다양한 예술 분야에서 작가적인 감성을 쌓아온 프랑스 출신의 작가, 문테인. 음악적인 감성과 회화적인 감성이 만나 탄생한 그의 작품을 매달 컬쳐엠매거진이 공개한다.

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