Embodying a thousand year, Songhwa Baekilju 천년의 시간을 품다, 송화백일주

2월 23, 2016 at 2:39 오후 , , , , , , , , , , , 松花百日酒, 감초, 구기자, 모악산, 벽암스님, 사찰법주, 산수유, 석가 진묵대사, 송화가루, 송화백일주, 수왕사, 식품명인 조영귀, 아트엠콘서트, 아트엠플러스, 완주, 전라북도 완주, 전북 완주군 모악산, 전주, 전통식품 명인 1호, 조영귀, 조영귀 명인, 컬쳐엠, 컬쳐엠 매거진
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Photos by Lee Ji Min 

Embodying a thousand year of history from the Silla Dynasty, Songhwa Baekilju. It is brewed from the water of Jeonbuk, Wanju-gun Moaksan, Suwang Temple. And this water is so famous in Korea that it is often called the king of water from long ago. So, it is well-known for the best Korean temple liquor. Great Master Jinmook, he was the founder of Songhwa Baekilju, and the brewing way of Songhwa Baekilju have been promulgated from the only chief monk of Suwang Temple. And now, Suwang Temple’s chief monk Byuk Am is brewing Songhwa Baekilju by himself as the Korean food master. It produced 2,000 bottles a year.

In fact, monks lived in high mountains for a long time. So they suffer from altitude sickness, neuralgia and other kinks of illnesses. In order to prevent that, most temples had good liquor for the monks. So, Songhwa Baekilju’s history begun like the other Temple liquor. But now, Songhwa Baekilju is the best temple liquor in deed and not in name.

Songhwa Baekilju is made by fermenting pine pollen. It includes glutinous rice, pine pollen, and medicinal herbs. And all ingredients are fermented for 100 days, which is where its name comes from. After that, aged for 3 years. Normally, Songhwa Baekilju has ALC 38%, transparent golden yellow. Its flavor is slightly bitter in the first sip but sweet and pleasant aftertaste. It has good matching with seasoned Vegetables, grilled eels. For drinking more delicious, try straight to feel the aromas and flavor more. And served chilled under 4℃ than you can feel refreshment.

Making process for Songhwa Baekilju (1)

For Suwang Temple’s chief monk Byuk Am, the process of brewing Songhwa Baekilju is a kind of spiritual culture

신라시대부터 이어져온 천년 역사를 자랑하는 전통주, 송화백일주. ‘물왕이 절’, ‘물의 왕’이라는 의미를 지닌 전북 완주군 모악산의 천년 고찰 수왕사(水王寺)의 물로 양조되는 송화백일주는 대한민국 최고의 사찰법주로도 유명하다 송화백일주의 창시자는 작은 석가로 불리는 진묵대사로 대대로 수왕사 주지 스님에게만 송화백일주의 양조비법 전승되어 왔다. 현재는 수왕사 주지 스님인 식품명인 1호 조영귀 명인이 송홧가루와 솔잎 등 직접 채취한 소량의 재료로 손 수 빚고 있으며, 연 2천병 정도만 소량 생산된다.

사실, 송화백일주는 스님들이 고산병, 위장병, 냉병, 영양 결핍과 혈액순환 장애를 막고 치료하기 위해서 양조된 술이었다. 경지에 이른 선사들에게 송화백일주는 몸과 마음을 다스리는 진정한 곡차이자 술이었으며 최근에는 약리적인 효과와 맛을 인정받아 일반인들에게도 널리 사랑 받고 있다. 특히 소나무의 풍성한 향과 단 맛을 동시에 느낄 수 있으며 과일, 횟감, 숯불에 구운 고기, 산채나물과 함께 했을 때 더욱 깊은 맛을 즐길 수 있다.

Making process for Songhwa Baekilju (3)

Suwang Temple’s chief monk Byuk Am is brewing Songhwa Baekilju by himself as the Korean food master.

The episodes of Songhwa Baekilju / 송화백일주 이야기

Songhwa Baekilju episode 1 (1)

Songhwa Baekilju episode 1 (2)

Songhwa Baekilju episode 1 (3)

Songhwa Baekilju episode 1 (4)

Songhwa Baekilju episode 1 (5)

Songhwa Baekilju episode 1 (6)

Songhwa Baekilju episode 1 (7)

Songhwa Baekilju episode 1 (8)

Songhwa Baekilju episode 1 (9)

Songhwa Baekilju episode 1 (10)

Songhwa Baekilju episode 1 (11)

Songhwa Baekilju episode 1 (12)

Songhwa Baekilju cocktail for beginner

Songhwa Baekilju cocktail for expert


Tasting note of Songhwa Baekilju

Songhwa Baekilju is well-known for the best Korean temple liquor from Suwang Temple.

Fresh pine pollen, glutinous rice, and medicinal natural herbs.

Feature of Songhwa Baekilju
ALC 38%. Transparent golden yellow. Its flavor is slightly bitter in the first sip but sweet and pleasant aftertaste.

Matching with Food
It has good matching with seasoned Vegetables, grilled eels.

How to Drink
Try straight to feel the aromas and flavor more. Served chilled under 4℃ than you can feel refreshment.




Contributor, Lee Ji Min
She is a food columnist & president of the Korean web site Daedonyeojudo(酒) which provides information of ‘Real Korean Alcohol’. 

이지민 대표는 대한한국의 명주를 전 세계에 소개하는 사이트인 대동여주도를 운영하며  전통주 보급에 앞장서는 첨병으로 활동하고 있다. 

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