All about Korea, “Korean music in ancient palace” 고궁에서 국악을 들어본 적 있나요?

All about Korea, “Korean music in ancient palace” 고궁에서 국악을 들어본 적 있나요?

‘The 6th Korean music in ancient palace’ was held which introducing Korea traditional music to the Seoul citizens and foreign tourists. Photographer Nah Seung Yull is sharing the beautiful images of this concert.

6월 3, 2014 at 5:22 오후 Comments are Disabled

When Korea traditional music meets Jazz & pop 국악은 한국인의 정서를 담고 있습니다

When Korea traditional music meets Jazz & pop 국악은 한국인의 정서를 담고 있습니다

There was big interest and support for ‘MosaiKOREA’ in Shanghai. ‘MosaiKOREA’ will be hold in Europe one more time in this year. CultureM Magazine releases the photos of ‘MosaiKOREA’ one more time.

4월 25, 2014 at 12:06 오후 Comments are Disabled

Head for world with Korean performing & art, MosaiKOREA 음악에는 국경이 없습니다

Head for world with Korean performing & art, MosaiKOREA 음악에는 국경이 없습니다

CultureM Magazine releases the photos of ‘MosaiKOREA’ by CultureM Magazine’s new contributor, Nah Seung Yull. He will share his valuable photos about music, people, art, culture of Korea from April 2014.

4월 24, 2014 at 11:26 오전 Comments are Disabled