A new home on a sandy land 모래 위에 세운 터전

A new home on a sandy land 모래 위에 세운 터전

The reason I had decided to live in a town with these folks where I had no acquaintances is because I wanted to share a humble piece of my heart with them. The sense of consolation for the people who has been through the unimaginable time of our history.

8월 1, 2016 at 2:31 오후 Comments are Disabled

Lee Ji Sun’s art life of research, ‘About the Name’ 이름에 관하여

Lee Ji Sun’s art life of research, ‘About the Name’ 이름에 관하여

Though a number of life elements fade out with the death, the name remains and contains its memories. Recalled somewhere after the body disappeared, it makes a storm in a cup of water and lights on the dark chamber of forgetting.

7월 18, 2016 at 4:51 오후 Comments are Disabled

A Familiar Portrait 익숙한 초상

A Familiar Portrait 익숙한 초상

It’s not like they would create a mock up to reenact the situation or shoot an advertisement of it but they find mission in having the power of delivering shocking images of tragedy under the name of “scandalous”.

7월 13, 2016 at 1:54 오후 Comments are Disabled

예술, 그 끝 없는 창조와 반복에 관하여 Hong Il Hwa’s art essay

예술, 그 끝 없는 창조와 반복에 관하여 Hong Il Hwa’s art essay

예술가들은 ‘무조건 새로운 것만을 찾아가며 신제품을 만들어내는 발명가’들이 아니라 ‘이미 남들이 해놓은 것에 대한 반복을 피하기 위해 노력하는 사람들’이라는 말이 올바른 표현 같다.

6월 23, 2016 at 2:56 오후 Comments are Disabled

People who are left behind at Sokcho sea 속초 바다에 남겨진 사람들

People who are left behind at Sokcho sea 속초 바다에 남겨진 사람들

Every summer Sokcho’s beaches are filled with tourists who visit the place for its famous ocean view. However the wires that divides the north and the south sea border is part of its view. The sea was one of the few pathways to the south for many refugees and thought to be the only pathway back to their hometown after the Korean War.

6월 23, 2016 at 10:21 오전 Comments are Disabled

Art, regarding the endless battle between creating an original and reproduction 홍일화 작가의 아트 에세이

Art, regarding the endless battle between creating an original and reproduction 홍일화 작가의 아트 에세이

Artists are not some sort of inventor who is constantly looking for something new to release a new product, but a person whose effort is to avoid what other people have done already. In other words artist’s instinct isn’t for looking for something new but avoiding reproduction is.

6월 17, 2016 at 3:14 오후 Comments are Disabled

보여주세요, 당신의 손은 아름답습니다 Lee Ji Sun’s art life of research, ‘About the Hand’

보여주세요, 당신의 손은 아름답습니다 Lee Ji Sun’s art life of research, ‘About the Hand’

작가의 작업과정은 습관과도 같은 반복적인 행위가 하나씩 쌓여 비로소 손의 도움으로 이루어진다. 창조의 손은 오감으로 겪은 과거의 아주 사소한 조각들을 맞추며 현재의 생명을 불어넣는다. 손을 따라 그어지는 선을 다시 한번 따르는 손은 마음의 눈이 되어 닿을 수 있는 장면과 시간을 어루만진다.

6월 16, 2016 at 3:42 오후 Comments are Disabled

Lee Ji Sun’s art life of research, ‘About the Hand’ 손에 관하여

Lee Ji Sun’s art life of research, ‘About the Hand’ 손에 관하여

The working process of the artist is led by his/her hands in their permanent and repetitive movements. The creative hands put together the pieces of the past and give them a life of the present.

6월 15, 2016 at 4:04 오후 Comments are Disabled

The disappeared water channel 사라진 물길

The disappeared water channel 사라진 물길

Conveying the sound of a river flowing, and recording the trace of passed time. Mankyung River where my steps have lead me to. Here, exist indescribable element. Could that be the identity of the place or could that be the aroused piece of memory that has been capsized in our memory?

5월 20, 2016 at 4:30 오후 Comments are Disabled

웃으세요, 당신은 여전히 아름답습니다 Smile, you are still beautiful

웃으세요, 당신은 여전히 아름답습니다 Smile, you are still beautiful

이 두 점의 제목은 ‘Madame’이다. 한국에서는 마담이라는 말이 잘못 와전되어 비아냥거리는 속어가 되었지만 프랑스에서는 예의를 표현하는 존칭어이다. 그림 속 할머니들은 우리 주변의 할머니들이며 어느 누군가의 어머니들이다.

5월 20, 2016 at 10:34 오전 Comments are Disabled