Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘Her, Hers, horse’ 여자는 말이죠

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘Her, Hers, horse’ 여자는 말이죠

In the piece, a woman rides a white horse and turns out her body, stretches for her shoes & bag on the floor. But the white horse bows the head for eating carrot. Eventually, if someone doesn’t help her, she has to get off the horse for wearing the shoe. Of course, the shoes are obscene for riding a horse, she has such a disappointed look on her face.

3월 4, 2016 at 4:50 오후 Comments are Disabled

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘Where is your rainbow?’ 당신의 무지개는 어디에 있습니까?

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘Where is your rainbow?’ 당신의 무지개는 어디에 있습니까?

When I was child, I gave an exclamation of joy while I saw the shimmered rainbow after the rain. I still seem to be happy by the memory. Although I couldn’t catch, rainbow makes me smile only its existence.

3월 3, 2016 at 4:04 오후 Comments are Disabled

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘A Vicarious pleasure’ 할부인생

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘A Vicarious pleasure’ 할부인생

In fact, the term ‘kidult’ is made by combining ‘kid’ and ‘adult.’ Maybe, the term ‘kidult’ is referring to the social phenomenon of adults who makes & collets a plastic robot model for funny, and thinks of their childhood.

3월 2, 2016 at 6:00 오후 Comments are Disabled

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘Instinct’ 본능에 충실하세요

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘Instinct’ 본능에 충실하세요

I go to the front porch the moment, aspiration for beauty follows me like instinct. I am naturally drawn to the high heels as a small woman. Although high heels restrict me like a string, and it just even my life way for the others eyes, I take for a walk with my high heels as well be today.

2월 25, 2016 at 6:47 오후 Comments are Disabled

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘Wonder Woman Diary’ 원더우먼 다이어리

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘Wonder Woman Diary’ 원더우먼 다이어리

My sister is three years older than I am. So I had indirectly some experience about my future after 3 years through my sister until now. Especially, I thought she was great while I watched her marriage, childbirth, parenting. So, I frequently asked myself that “Could I be a mother?”

2월 25, 2016 at 6:40 오후 Comments are Disabled

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘Soothing’ 너를 통해 위로받는다

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘Soothing’ 너를 통해 위로받는다

There is a moment when I want to be comforted because hurt by someone. So if I met a warm person, he makes my soul & body warmly. The important thing isn’t the physical temperature. The problem is the frozen mind for something or someone.

2월 22, 2016 at 3:16 오후 Comments are Disabled

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘Utopia’ 나의 작품은 나의 유토피아

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘Utopia’ 나의 작품은 나의 유토피아

In fact, the Utopia is a mixed word from ‘No(ou)’ and ‘Place’(toppos) in the Greek language by Thomas More. Also, it is associated with ‘Good(eu)’ ‘Place’(toppos), and it used for the meaning of ‘Utopia’. The picture is a kind of the mirror which captured my whole thought for me.

2월 22, 2016 at 3:16 오후 Comments are Disabled

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘The Dictator of Judgement, Kim’ 심판의 독재자, 킴

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘The Dictator of Judgement, Kim’ 심판의 독재자, 킴

Time once, I reeled too at the other’s judgement. And then I lost confidence, drive as an artist. But, I couldn’t crumble like this. So, I decided to be a dictator of my art piece for recovering myself. The dictator is a man who believes in himself despite some poor surroundings, and hold certain belief without gullible, I think.

2월 15, 2016 at 4:02 오후 Comments are Disabled

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘RED Card’ 레드 카드

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘RED Card’ 레드 카드

When we were in ours childhood, we had a red card as called ‘Crying’. At that time, Crying made all gone well. Sometimes, I wanted to repeat in those old days. Maybe I need more time for being adult. In fact, red card means ‘warning’. Feign girl in the piece gives a red card for someone, but the fact is that she gives some message to herself.

2월 12, 2016 at 5:21 오후 Comments are Disabled

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘The Wait won’t be Long’ 기다림이 길진 않을꺼야

Kim Hyun Jung’s ‘FEIGN’ series, ‘The Wait won’t be Long’ 기다림이 길진 않을꺼야

Waiting. Although it costs a considerable time & effort, it makes us happy when we endure the waiting to the end. I prepared my exhibition brick by brick. I smile alone while I imagine my piece upon the wall. No matter what the consequences may be, I finish the waiting.

2월 11, 2016 at 6:32 오후 Comments are Disabled