The 53rd ArtM Concert, Ensemble Cleio ‘Sing a Fall’ 53회 아트엠콘서트, ‘가을을 노래하다’

11월 12, 2013 at 5:20 오후 , Ensemble Cleio, The 53rd ArtM Concert, 아트엠콘서트, 아트엠플러스, 유중아트센터, 컬쳐엠, 컬쳐엠 매거진
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CultureM Magazine introduces Ensemble Cleio. Ensemble Cleio(Clarinet Lee Im Soo, Piano Lee Hyung Min, Viola Kim Sung Eun) was a guest of the 53nd ArtM Concert at UJung Art Center on 19th of October 2013. ArtM Concert is a non-profit music Concert sponsored by Hyundai Pharm. You can feel that such a romantic harmony with piano, clarinet, viola. Among 8 ensemble pieces, you can watch the M.Bruch : “Eight Pieces” op.83 for Clarinet, Viola and Piano, No.3 on this video clip.

Clarinesist Lee Im Soo, He is a professor of Department of wind and string instruments at the Dong-Duk Women’s University in Seoul, Korea. And He is a member of Korea Festival Ensemble. Pianist Lee Hyung Min, She is a professor of Department of Music at the Dan-Kook University in Seoul, Korea. And she is a director of SK chemicals GRIUM hall. Violist Kim Sung Eun, She is a visiting professor of Ehwa Women’s University in Seoul, Korea. And she lectures at Yon-Sei, Se-Jong university. Now she is a member of Kumho chamber music society, Olaviola sound, the Ensemble.

국내 정상급 연주자들의 살아있는 공연으로 최근 ‘핫’한 콘서트로 떠오르고 있는 고품격 살롱 콘서트, 아트엠콘서트가 지난 10월 19일 유중아트센터에서 제 53회 공연을 성공적으로 개최했다. 이번 콘서트에서는 앙상블 클레이오(클라리넷 이임수, 피아노 이형민, 비올라 김성은)의 연주를 선보였다. ‘가을을 노래하다’라는 주제로 펼쳐진 이번 공연에서는 클라리넷과 피아노, 그리고 비올라의 선율이 어울려 깊어가는 가을밤을 더욱 낭만적으로 수 놓았다.

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