An artist who wants to find a true thing in the life, Aoife Casey 작가, 이퍼 케이시

2월 26, 2014 at 11:02 오전 , , , , , The Natural Beauty Project Seoul 2013, 아트엠콘서트, 아트엠플러스, 이퍼 케이시, 컬쳐엠, 컬쳐엠 매거진
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4-Hwajiin Lee

Hwajiin Lee

3-Ssophee Park

Ssophee Park

1-Yunshin Jeno Jung

Yunshin Jeno Jung

2-Eunice Choi

Eunice Choi

5-Soohyun Lee

Soohyun Lee

25-Mohee Park

Mohee Park

24-Cecile Yeonha Kwon

Cecile Yeonha Kwon

23-Evelyn EunJin Lee

Evelyn EunJin Lee

22-Yoo Yong-Ju

Yoo Yong-Ju

21-Sonja van der Berg

Sonja van der Berg

20-Choi min jeong

Choi min jeong

19-Esther Park

Esther Park

Photos by Aoife Casey

Aoife Casey is an Irish artist living and working in Seoul, Korea. She received a Diploma in Fine Art Painting from DLIADT in 2001, followed by qualifications in Sustainable Development and Fabric and Fibre Arts, followed by a degree in Fine Art Sculpture from NCAD in 2009. She uses her varied backgrounds to inform her practice. Aoife has exhibited in Tasmania as well as throughout Ireland including the Tig Fili in Cork, Kenny’s Gallery Galway, The Mantua Arts Centre Roscommon, The Dublin Art Mill, This is Not A Shop, The Joinery, La Cathedral Studios and Power scourt Townhouse Dublin as well as arts festivals country wide.

The Natural Beauty Project Seoul 2013 was her first solo show in Seoul. The work consisted of 50 black and white portraits of women of various ages and from different backgrounds who have not ever had plastic surgery. These women contacted me and have all at some time or other felt the pressure to conform to certain ‘beauty ideals’ expected of them in Korean society today. They were eager to get involved in a project that encourages others to embrace their natural face and be proud of not bowing to societies pressures to go under the knife. She wants these photos to send a positive message, one of hope, perserverance and acceptance. She feels she has achieved that and hope that everyone continues to spread the positive message with an open heart. So, CultureM Magazine releases the art works of Aoife Casey on two separate occasions.

아일랜드 출신의 작가, 이퍼 케이시. 그녀는 10년 이상을 퍼포먼스, 조각, 설치, 사진 등의 작업을 통해 사회적이고 물리적인 의미와 관련한 인간의 신체적 혹은 존재의 문제를 다루어 왔다. 지난해 10월에 열린 The Natural Beauty Project Seoul 2013 전시회를 시작으로 서울에 거주하고 있는 그녀는 한국 사회 속에 동화된 한 인간으로서 느끼는 경험을 작가적인 시각으로 풀어내고 있다.

지난해 서울에서 개최된 ‘The Natural Beauty Project Seoul 2013’ 전시회에서 작가는 ‘자연미’를 주제로 50명의 대한민국 여성들의 모습을 조명했다. 그녀의 작업에서 주목해야 할 사실은 50점의 흑백 사진 속 한국 여성들은 전혀 성형수술을 하지 않았다는 것이다. 결국 그녀는 너무나 익숙해서 무지했던 아름다운 모든 것들을 이야기하기 위해 한국 여성들의 자연스러운 얼굴을 담아냈다. 최근까지 활발한 작업 활동을 통해 한국 사회의 다양한 모습을 담아내고 있는 그녀의 사진 중에서 ‘The Natural Beauty Project Seoul 2013’ 전시회에 공개된 50점의 작품을 컬쳐엠매거진이 공개한다.

18-Jinyeon Lee

Jinyeon Lee

17-JungHyun Kwak

JungHyun Kwak

16-Doyoun Lee

Doyoun Lee

15-Minseon Joo

Minseon Joo

14-Hyojung Louis Eun

Hyojung Louis Eun

13-Juliana Lee

Juliana Lee

12-Jang Jae Yun

Jang Jae Yun

11-Han SuMin

Han SuMin

10- Lillian Juana

Lillian Juana

9-Eunjeong Lee

Eunjeong Lee

8-Seon Young Han

Seon Young Han

7-Jeon Hee Jeong

Jeon Hee Jeong

6-Taerim Cho

Taerim Cho

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