3rd line Butterfly releases Vinyl limited edition album 한국 인디 락의 상징, 3호선 버터플라이

3월 19, 2014 at 4:54 오후 3rd Butterfly, 3호선 버터플라이, , , , , Dreamtalk, Self Titled Obsession, Story Undone, 드림토크, 스노우크 핫 커피 리필, 아트엠콘서트, 아트엠플러스, 컬쳐엠, 컬쳐엠 매거진
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Photos by Chili Music Korea

‘3rd line Butterfly’ releases the ‘Dreamtalk’ Vinyl limited edition album about the middle of May. There are 14 songs in this special edition vinyl alubm, for example, ‘into the dream’, ‘Story Undoen”. Especially, They put their blood into making this limited edition album, for reference, all making process of ‘Dreamtalk’ Vinyl limited edition album done in Czech. So, many fans of ‘3rd line Butterfly’ has big expectation about theirs ‘Dreamtalk’ Vinyl limited edition album.

Introspective post-modern rock striped with moody guitars and smokey vocals, ‘3rd Line Butterfly’ is a Seoul-stationed quartet that sublimely soars with velvety sounds from the Korean underground. Nahm Sang Ah(lead vocals, guitar), Sung Ki Wan(guitar), Kim Nam Yoon(bass) and Seo Hyun Jung (drums) are members of the long-time local alternative rock band ‘3rd Line Butterfly’.

The band released its debut album “Self Titled Obsession” in 2000 and has since grown to become one of the most recognized and respected groups of musicians in Korean rock. They have many fans in Korea as a veteran rock band that played several genre songs based on rock. In 2013, ‘3rd Line Butterfly’ was won three fields in ‘an album of this year’, ‘a modern rock album of this year’, ‘a modern rock song of this year’ by 10th Korean Popular Music Award.


2013년 한국대중음악상 ‘올해의 앨범’을 포함, 3개부문을 석권한 대한민국 대표 록 그룹 3호선 버터플라이의 정규 4집인 ‘Dreamtalk’가 2014년 5월 중순 Vinyl(LP) 앨범으로 스페셜 한정 발매된다. 3호선버터플라이만의 음악적 표현의 환타지에 더해, 요즘 쉽게 접하기 힘든 LP판은 충분한 소장가치를 지니고 있으며 앨범의 스탬프, 프레싱 그리고 자켓 등, 거의 모든 공정이 체코에서 진행되었을 만큼 완성도에 심혈을 기울였다. 스노우크 핫 커피 리필, 꿈속으로, Story Undone 등 총 14곡이 수록되어 있다. 3호선버터플라이는 이번 Vinyl 앨범 ‘Dreamtalk’ 발매 후 앨범 발매기념 단독공연, 유럽투어 등을 준비 중에 있다.


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