Cairo Sights, The Citadel and Al-Azhar Mosque 이집트의 심장, 알 아즈하르 모스크

3월 29, 2014 at 3:50 오후 Al-Azhar, , , Cairo, , , Eygpt, Mosque, 모스크, 아트엠콘서트, 아트엠플러스, 알아즈하르, 이집트, 카이로, 컬쳐엠, 컬쳐엠 매거진
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The Citadel's Enterance

The Citadel’s Enterance

Photos by Kim So Young

For traveling, Egypt is quite a fascinating destination. Among all the amazing destinations I would like to start with Egypt’s capital city, Cairo. Cairo is the largest city in the Middle East and Africa. Thousands of minarets, resplendent mosques, Coptic and Islamic sights, and Khan el-Khalili medieval market make you feel you are travelling back in time. One of the most popular tourist attractions in Cairo is the Citadel and the great medieval mosque, Al-Azhar.

Courtyard of the Mosque of Mohammed Ali

Courtyard of the Mosque of Mohammed Ali

The Citadel
The Citadel (Al-Qalaa) is one of the most popular tourist sites in Cairo. It has been home to Egypt’s rulers for 700 years. The famous Muslim commander, Saladin, founded it in 1176. Inside there are three mosques and palaces and a couple of terraces and several museums. To see it all yourself you will need at least half a day. The fee for foreigners is 60 L.E. Mosques are open from 8am to 4pm but it is closed during Friday prayer.

the Mosque of Mohammed Ali's inside.

The Mosque of Mohammed Ali’s inside

The Mosque of Mohammed Ali
Mohammed Ali was a reformist ruler and he is regarded as the founder of modern Egypt. The mosque is the Citadel’s main attraction. It took 18 years to build. It was modeled along classic Turkish lines. Twinkling chandeliers decorate the interior of the mosque.


The Mosque of An-Nasr Mohammed

The Mosque of An-Nasr Mohammed

Arcaded of courtyard of the Mosque of An-Nasr Mohammed

Arcaded of courtyard of the Mosque of An-Nasr Mohammed

The Mosque of An-Nasr Mohammed
The Mosque of An-Nasr Mohammed is the only surviving Mamluk structure in the Citadel. That’s because it had been put to use as a stable. It was built between 1318 and 1335. The building has unique minarets with bulbous finials and it is covered with Persian tiles. From the terrace you can see the Pyramids of Giza.

Al-Azhar Mosque

Al-Azhar Mosque

Al-Azhar Mosque 1

Al-Azhar Mosque

Al-Azhar Mosque 
Al-Azhar was founded in AD 970 as the city’s main mosque and learning center. It still remains the centre of Sunni Islamic education. This mosque is the center of theological authority for Egyptian Muslims.

Non-Muslims are welcome to visit the mosque except during prayer time. Make sure you are dressed appropriately. This means covering your hair and body and taking off your shoes. There’s no enterence fee but the caretakers will ask you for some money to bring you up to the minaret.


profile111Contributor, Kim So Young 

World traveller. Photographer. Writer. She has lived and travelled in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. Currently she resides in Cairo, Egypt. All she needs to live her life on is my suitcase, backpack, camera, and favorite book collection.

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