Lily Allen is comes back with ‘SHEEZUS’ 미워할 수 없는 그녀, 릴리 알렌

5월 7, 2014 at 1:58 오후 Air Balloon, , , , , Insincerely Yours, Life for Me, Lily Allen, Not Fair, Sheezus, 릴리 알렌, 아트엠콘서트, 아트엠플러스, 컬쳐엠, 컬쳐엠 매거진
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Love her, loathe her, say what you like, Lily Allen is an indomitable force, a lady to be reckoned with. When she released “Not Fair”, a song where she categorically questioned the bedroom credentials of an ex-lover, it was obvious that Lily had evolved from the loveable, bubble gum chewing songstress. Her brutal sincerity, even if that sincerity is often shocking, makes her who she is, an affable, totally relatable musician, a lady who doesn’t necessarily care if she offends. Perhaps her music doesn’t always reflect it, but Allen is and will always be a rebel. Sheezus, her latest record reflects this very fact. The tongue n cheek title alludes to Kanye West’s 2013 smash hit record, Yeezus, a masterpiece in its own right, but deeply neurotic and somewhat implausible in content.

This is Allen’s first record since opting for a more domesticated life and giving birth to two girls, both of whom occupy protagonist roles on Sheezus. On the record’s title track, Allen’s children inspire the very foundation on which the track is constructed, while on the poignant “Life for Me”, yet again, her daughters find themselves strongly referenced. Controversial as always, Lily doesn’t shy away from dropping some contentious lines, yet she seems more at ease than ever before, perhaps this is down to the fact that she is now a happily married mother. Shedding the insecurities and inner conflict witnessed on her previous records, Allen displays little hesitancy in accentuating the beauty that stems from finding your soul mate.

There is far more substance to be found on the record than “Air Balloon”, the leading single, might suggest. On “Insincerely Yours”, the album’s standout moment, she takes a swipe at the so called DJs who now saturate the musical market, people who look “cool” in their “Beats By Dre“, but possess very little creative prowess. Oh, how Allen has progressed, both artistically and vocally! In 2014, undoubtedly, her pop culture citations are so appropriate, more so than ever before. No longer just a cheeky girl interested in shock value lyrics, Allen is now an insightful poet, a woman as talented as she is forthright.




john glynn

Contributor, John Glynn

As a contributor of CultureM Magazine, he is writing about global culture, for example, movie, music so on. And he has a PhD in Psychology.

영국 출신의 컬쳐엠매거진 컨트리뷰터 존 그린은 영화, 음악 등 문화 관련 컨텐츠에서 날카로운 분석을 통한 심도 깊은 이야기를 전해주고 있다.

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