There is Art & fashion in Marfa, Texas 텍사스의 사막에도 패션이 있습니다

Map of the USA with Texas, The Dot illustrates the location of Marfa
Photos and Text by Elizabeth Livingfash & Akin Abayomi
Marfa Texas became an art cultural center for contemporary artists and artisans after one of the pioneers Donald Judd made it his residence as an antidote to the hectic New York life. Located on highway 90 about 3 hours drive from El Paso, Texas, this isolated little stretch of land attracts the inquisitive and creative minds.
Perhaps the solitude of the desert allows the mind isolation and quietness to create. What you find in the quiet corner of Texas is not quite what you would expect for a small town. In the Art scene this small town holds its own among the bigger cities in Texas. It boasts of big art installations and attracts a great number of artists from around the world.
제임스 딘이 출연한 영화 ‘자이언트’의 촬영 장소로도 유명한 텍사스의 마르파. 허허벌판 푸석하게 말라있는 모래만이 가득한 마르파는 사실 예술이 가득한, 그 어떤 곳 보다 화려한 속살을 숨기고 있는 곳이다.
세계적으로 유명한 미국의 미니멀아트 예술가이자 이론가인 도널드 저드가 그의 작품과 댄 플레빈, 클래스 올댄버그 등 동시대 미니멀 작가의 작품을 전시하고 있는 치나티 재단을 비롯해 사막 한 가운데에 위치한 가짜 프다라 매장까지. 컨트리뷰터 엘리자베스 리빙패쉬와 아킨 아바요미의 사진으로 텍사스 마르파의 모습을 공개한다.

Welcome to Marfe in Texas
Welcoming you to Marfa. The Sign gives you the origin of the place and a little bit of what to expect. The Chinati foundation host resident artists of diverse backgrounds, nationalities and different disciplines and age groups providing them with unique opportunities in a natural environment to create.

Chinati Gallery on the 400 acres site

One of the 15 Untitled work in concrete by Donald Judd
The emerging artesian sprit can be felt in the community, for example the local boot maker in town hand makes the boots with a European flair, using the traditional western boot design to customize a unique look a feel to their boots.

Cobra Rock in Marfa

Profile of unique South Highland boots

Highland boot with Customer sizing chart

Illustration of Sole stitching machine from 1920
The boots are sold online through cobra rock website and we were told there is a 8 month wait lists for one of these custom made boots. One of the main draws to visiting Marfa is the proximity to Valentine, TX which is the location of Prada Marfa. A permanently installed sculpture by duo Michael Elmgreen of Denmark and Ingar Dragset of Norway created in 2005.

Prada in Marfa
The structure has 2 large windows displaying actual Prada shoes and handbags from the fall/winter 2005 collection provided by Miuccia Prada herself.

Window display of Prada Marfa

Window display of Prada Marfa
The drive was long and the stay was short but it was worth it. If you ever find yourself making the trip through Texas from Florida to California this a place worth stopping at. You may find yourself wishing for a longer stay.

Scenic drive to Marfa
Contributors, Elizabeth Livingfash & Akin Abayomi
Elizabeth Livingfash is a fashion blogger & writer and she had contributed to a Spanish magazine in the past. She works with her boyfriend photographer AkinAbayomi and they together cover world best fashion weeks and music festivals. More detail about them,,
미국 텍사스 출신의 엘리자베스 리링패쉬는 전 세계 패션위크와 뮤직 페스티벌을 직접 취재하는 패션 블로거이자 작가이다. 스페인 패션 매거진에 기고를 하였으며 현재 패션 전문 사진 작가이자 연인인 아킨 아바요미와 함께 패션에 관련된 다양한 콘텐츠를 만들고 있다. 그들의 보다 자세한 활동은, 에서 확인할 수 있다.
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