Lee Ji Sun’s art life of research, ‘About the door’ 문을 열어 세상과 조우합니다
Imgaes by Lee Ji Sun

Là(Digital photography, 2014. Paris) – LEE Ji Sun(Image source : LEE Ji Sun)
A frame is drawn on the wall, separating the rooms and distinguishing between inside and outside. On the dark hole framed with rectangular, a board of the same shape is added to be opened and closed. Twin handles are hanged on each side of the board one behind another.
Once a little hole of a secret keeper takes place, there is the door which would be pushed and pulled. Closed door a little taller than a man looks like a picture, empty or full of figurations by itself. At the moment that it’s opened, the door changes the whole dimension of the plane wall to the voluminous space.

Attila Marcel(Film excerpt, 2013) – Sylvain Chomet(Image source : WWW.1month9days.blogspot.fr)
At the first place of someone’s house, the door welcomes guests with its monotone or colorful façade. In front of the block, people call certain names or make some promised noises to verify the presence of the other side. The button set next to the door makes a strong and dry sound to alarm about the person waiting outside or plays a soft music to greet the guest before anyone else.

Boxes (drawing object, 2012) – LEE Ji Sun(Image source : LEE Ji Sun)
After a short moment of silent waiting, the door finally opens. A heavy creaking sound telling its past ages, a curious silence like in science-fiction, happy steps approaching in hurry behind, or restless ringing noises of the decoration brought from last travel… As many as different looks which walls and architectures have around it, the door also makes various sounds while moving.
Soon after, there appear a break in the space and a limited landscape in front of the eyes. Behind the door, there is the friendly room I left this morning, the familiar office where I never find myself at ease, the train receiving all kinds of people with different destinations, or a place I’ve never imagined before.

Exhibition view, Philippe Gronon, New Positions at Gallery Thomas Zander, Cologne, 2014(Image source : www.philippegronon.com)
The street which I’m longing appears like a hallway where I meet doors of multiple faces at every side I glance. Among these, I arrive at the destined address in front of which the door receives me. Despite the waiting which looks like facing the blocked wall, it is the narrowing moment just before flying off to the sky or diving deep into the sea. As turning the page of a book, we open the door to greet the morning, to put a first step of the last decision and finally to pass the gate.

Monsters, Inc. (Film excerpt, 2001) – Pete Docter, Lee Unkrich, David Silverman Image source : www.rockinmama.net
Following one after another, a number of doors are hung here and there. Slightly opened one attracts passengers with the light projected from inside, and wide one raises the head of a shrinking person by fresh air coming from outside. Uncountable doors we’ve already passed keep the time and the space of other days and nights.
The door closed by a former one gets opened by the next one and allows only a few to unlock it with the promised key. The world grabbed in the hand lights on the colorful screen from the deep darkness only for its host. Opening the closed eyes and ears, we get face to the others and perceive the world, though the door, and protect the mind chamber by putting a correct lid in the hole.
Lee Ji Sun is a young Korean artist, who does activity in Paris, France. CultureM Magazine releases her art works images by drawing, writing, video, photograph in every month. http://leejisun.blogspot.kr/
이지선은 프랑스 파리를 중심으로 유럽에서 활동하는 젊은 한국여성작가이다. 회화, 비디오, 사진, 글 등의 다양한 매체로 작품활동을 하고 있는 그녀의 이야기를 컬쳐엠이 소개한다. http://leejisun.blogspot.kr/
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