A tragic love story, ‘Joseon Magician’ 이토록 비극적인 사랑, ‘조선 마술사’

11월 30, 2015 at 5:24 오후 , , , , , Joseon Magician, movel, The Magician, , 고아라, 곽도원, 김대승, 무블, 민음사, 소설가 김탁환, 아트엠콘서트, 아트엠플러스, 양세은, 유승호, 이경영, 조선 마술사, 조윤희, 집시, 컬쳐엠, 컬쳐엠 매거진
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Images by ZIPCY

A novel like a movie, a movie like a novel. Do you know the word ‘Movel’ which it is to be a growing trend these days? In fact, Movel is a newly-coined word with movie and novel. And it is quite different from normal novel. Because, it was written for making a movie when the writer begins the novel from the first stage of planning. In short, it is a cross content with movie and novel.

Recently a Korean movie ‘Joseon Magician’, novel the original movie has, and eventhough it is for release this December. Actually, ‘Joseon Magician’ is the movel of a famous Korean writer Kim Tak Hwan, it was already preparing to be the movie when it was released. Also, a famous Korean film director Kim Dae Seung directed, and several top actors appeared in the moive such as Yoo Seung Ho, Ko Ah Ra. Kwak Do Won, Cho Yoon Hee etc.

Especially Kim Tak Hwan’s movel ‘Joseon Magician’ captured the attention of many readers when it was released, because a gorgeous Korean illustrator ZIPCY’s beautiful art pieces are inserted the movel ‘Joseon Magician’. CultureM Magazine released the Korean illustrator ZIPCY’s some art pieces in the movel ‘Joseon Magician’.


A Korean novel ‘Joseon Magician’ cover design by ZIPCY

영화 같은 소설, 소설 같은 영화로 이야기로 많은 사람들의 이목을 사로잡고 있는 ‘무블’ 시리즈를 아시는지? 사실 무블(Movie + Novel = Movel)은 영화와 소설의 영문 합성어로 소설 기획단계부터 영화작업을 염두하고 만들어진 크로스 콘텐츠를 일컫는 말이다.

최근에는 소설가 김탁환씨의 무블 ‘조선 마술사’가 김대승 감독 연출, 유승호, 고아라, 곽도원 주연의 영화로 완성되어 다가오는 12월에 개봉을 앞두고 있다. 특히 두 남녀의 비극적이고도 환상적인 사랑을 이야기하고 있는 소설 ‘조선 마술사’는 최근 다양한 방면에서 활발한 작업 활동을 펼치고 있는 일러스트레이터 집시의 작품이 삽입되어 출간 당시 화제를 모으기도 했다. 컬쳐엠매거진이 소설 ‘조선 마술사’를 더욱 환상적인 소설로 만들어준 일러스트레이터 집시의 작품을 공개한다.


A Korean novel ‘Joseon Magician’ illustration by ZIPCY


A Korean novel ‘Joseon Magician’ illustration by ZIPCY


A Korean novel ‘Joseon Magician’ illustration by ZIPCY


A Korean novel ‘Joseon Magician’ illustration by ZIPCY


A Korean novel ‘Joseon Magician’ illustration by ZIPCY




Contributor, ZIPCY
A wise hedonist, ZIPCY. She says she would like to be remembered as a wise hedonist who enjoys life and loved illustrating. As an Illustrator, she has been transforming her honest stories into painting for many different art fields.

작가 집시는 소설, 매거진 등 다양한 분야에서 본인의 솔직 담백한 이야기를 그림으로 표현하고 있는 생계형 일러스트레이터다.

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