2016 S/S Seoul Fashion Week in DDP, part 2 아시아 패션의 허브, 서울패션위크 – 두 번째 이야기

2월 16, 2016 at 4:57 오후 2016 F/W Seoul Fashion Week, 2016 S/S Seoul Fashion Week, 2016 S/S 헤라 서울패션위크 패션쇼, AMOS, , , , , , DDP, Dongdaemum Design plaza, HERA, HERA Seoul Fashion Week, Jeehae Yang, Lee Myung Sin, LOW CLASSIC, METROCITY, , Yang Jee Hae, 동대문디자인플라자, 로우클래식, 메트로시티, 서울패션위크, 아모스, 아트엠콘서트, 아트엠플러스, 양지해, 엠티콜렉션, 이명신, 컬쳐엠, 컬쳐엠 매거진, 헤라
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Texts and Photos by Elizabeth Livingfash & Akin Abayomi


A Korean fashionistas attending the Seoul fashion week


A Korean fashionistas attending the Seoul fashion week

On the second day of our visit to Seoul, we find ourselves wishing for more time. This was a layover trip and the itinerary filled with just some historic sites in Dongdaemun and shows in the evening at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza. You cannot gauge the size of Seoul just by looking at the maps you need at least a week to enjoy what Seoul has to give but we promised ourselves to enjoy it. After making our way back to DDP, the crowd of fashionistas attending the Seoul fashion week were so lively, and friendly so we took some snap shots of the street fashion. 


A Korean fashionistas attending the Seoul fashion week


A Korean fashionistas attending the Seoul fashion week


The crowd of fashionistas attending the Seoul fashion week

After a brief stop shooting street fashion, Akin made his way backstage. Preshow, that is where all the action takes place. The delicate music chairs that occurs while hair and makeup is applied, we get to see the make up artists and hair stylists work their craft creating the final look for the show. The preparations were taking place for LOW CLASSIC – 로우클래식 by designer Lee Myung Sin 이명신. 


The look was a slick pull back hair styled with undulating waves of hair for LOW CLASSIC


The look was a slick pull back hair styled with undulating waves of hair for LOW CLASSIC


The look was a slick pull back hair styled with undulating waves of hair for LOW CLASSIC

The look was a slick pull back hair styled with undulating waves of hair strands framing the face giving a wet look reminiscent of wet curls.


The look was a slick pull back hair styled with undulating waves of hair for LOW CLASSIC


The look was a slick pull back hair styled with undulating waves of hair for LOW CLASSIC


The look was a slick pull back hair styled with undulating waves of hair for LOW CLASSIC

LOW CLASSIC is a young brand focusing on practical design and pursuing simple but not too simple natural beauty. The feel to the collection was contemporary with the complementary hairstyle and the natural beauty make up by team AMOS using HERA products, the main sponsor for Seoul fashion week.


LOW CLASSIC is a young brand focusing on practical design and pursuing simple


LOW CLASSIC is a young brand focusing on practical design and pursuing simple


LOW CLASSIC is a young brand focusing on practical design and pursuing simple


LOW CLASSIC is a young brand focusing on practical design and pursuing simple


LOW CLASSIC is a young brand focusing on practical design and pursuing simple

While Akin was shooting Metrocity backstage, I took the time to explore some of the other art installations around the DDP and surrounding area.

Installation using white umbrellas (1)

Installation using white umbrellas


A night view of DDP in Seoul

With just one hour to spare, I walked around the DDP and took some snaps of the structures and the night scene. Little did I know, those were the last images I would take until my trip back home.

LED roses lighting the road

LED roses lighting the road

The buildings at night. Lane reserved for the VIP going to the show (2)

The buildings at night. Lane reserved for the VIP going to the show


The buildings at night. Lane reserved for the VIP going to the show

Prior to entering the line for queue, one person bumped into me with the force of a small collision making my cellphone to get ejected from my grip. My phone survived but the glass screen was shatter beyond usage and would need to be repaired. Moments of anger, frustration, despair and finally acceptance to the fact that my new phone will need to be serviced asap. Well, as they say in the show business, ‘the show must go on’, so I went to my seat and enjoyed the last show for the season.


The models talked about the METROCITY SHOW before the runway


The models talked about the METROCITY SHOW before the runway


The models talked about the METROCITY SHOW before the runway

In the meantime, the makeup application and hairstyling for METROCITY show seen over by the team of experts from PINETREE. METROCITY the brand by designer Jeehae Yang and filled with youthful glam reminds us of a happy story. The models walked the runway wearing smiles and acting as the protagonists of a feel good drama series. The urban spirit is alive and it’s wild. The clothes were a clear representation of a youthful generation open to the glam and the embrace the accessorizing culture.


A handsome Korean model for METROCITY show


A pretty Korean model for METROCITY show


A lovely Korean model for METROCITY show


The makeup application and hairstyling for METROCITY show


The makeup application and hairstyling for METROCITY show

After the show, we only wished we had more time. The time went by so fast and the city of Seoul was vibrant but we had to pack our suitcases and get back home. Till next time, we shall return to Korea because we felt a great connection with the city and the people of Seoul.


METROCITY’s 2016 S/S collection in 2016 S/S Seoul Fashion Week


METROCITY’s 2016 S/S collection in 2016 S/S Seoul Fashion Week


METROCITY’s 2016 S/S collection in 2016 S/S Seoul Fashion Week


METROCITY’s 2016 S/S collection in 2016 S/S Seoul Fashion Week


METROCITY’s 2016 S/S collection in 2016 S/S Seoul Fashion Week


METROCITY’s 2016 S/S collection in 2016 S/S Seoul Fashion Week


METROCITY’s 2016 S/S collection in 2016 S/S Seoul Fashion Week




Contributors, Elizabeth Livingfash &  Akin Abayomi

Elizabeth Livingfash is a fashion blogger & writer and she had contributed to a Spanish magazine in the past. She works with her boyfriend photographer AkinAbayomi and they together cover world best fashion weeks and music festivals. More detail, www.livingfash.com,akinabayomi.com

미국 텍사스 출신의 엘리자베스 리링패쉬는 전 세계 패션위크와 뮤직 페스티벌을 직접 취재하는 패션 블로거이자 작가이다. 스페인 패션 매거진에 기고를 하였으며 현재 패션 전문 사진 작가이자 연인인 아킨 아바요미와 함께 패션에 관련된 다양한 콘텐츠를 만들고 있다. 그들의 보다 자세한 활동은 www.livingfash.com,akinabayomi.com에서 확인할 수 있다.

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