Keeping the fans infatuated even after 20 years, THETHE – part 1 데뷔 20년차 중견 밴드, 더더 – 첫 번째 이야기
Photos by Chilli Music Korea
One of the best modern rock band in Korea, THETHE. It is within bounds to say that they are the national treasure modern rock band who knows very well the history of Korea modern rock history. THETHE’s first album was released in 1997 since then they have released 8 albums from now. As many of you know, the characteristics of the 1st, 2nd albums then the 3rd and 4th album and onto the 5th, 6th albums to the 7th and 8th albums are all very different from one another. In between they have won the album of the year awards at the 1st Korea Music Awards and released about 28 albums in total including EP albums, singles and compilation albums.
Naturally their music was featured in movies and TV advertisements then more people start to love our music. Some of our music was remade in Taiwan and japan as well. They have been working for 20 years and many referred us as a well-seasoned band. In this time, they returned with the 8th regular album ‘ANYBODY HERE’ and new three members, a vocalist Lee Hyun Young, a guitarist La Ji Woong, drummer Park Gyu Seok, of course, a leader Kim Young Jun who knows THETHE’s originality.
Especially, THETHE’s 8th regular album ‘ANYBODY HERE’ was released in 4 years after their 7th regular album ‘HOW MANY TIME’. The most remarkable facts are that it attracted interest public & critics before it was even released. Because, Kim Young Jun’s continuous challenging and experimental music meets three veteran musicians, Lee Hyun Young, La Ji Woong, Park Gyu Seok. CultureM Magazine meets the Korean modern rock band THETHE who plays a vital role in Korea modern rock history.
2004년 제1회 한국대중음악상 올해의 앨범상을 수상하며 데뷔 이후 지금까지 광고, 영화, 드라마 음악 등 장르에 국한되지 않고 쉼 없이 달려온 모던 록 밴드, 더더. 사실 더더는 데뷔 20년차 중견 밴드로 인디와 메이저를 동시에 아우를 수 있는 몇 안 되는 대한민국 국보급 밴드라고 해도 부족함이 없을 것이다. 더더의 20년 역사를 고스란히 두 손에 쥐고 있는 리더 김영준의 변함없는 음악적 신념과 그 동안의 상업적 성공을 견인했던 박혜경, 한희정, 명인희, 양송현까지 보컬은 변했지만 더더의 음악은 오롯이 한 곳을 향해 쉼 없이 정진해왔기 때문이다.
그런 그들이 2011년 정규 7집 ‘HOW MANY TIME’ 이후 4년간의 공백을 뒤로하고 정규 여덟 번째 정규 앨범 ‘ANYBODY HERE’를 발매했다. 특히 실력파 보컬 이현영의 보이스에 라지웅의 기타 연주와 묵직한 박규석의 드럼 비트가 더해져 그 어떤 앨범 보다 깊고 풍부한 감성을 담은 멜로디를 담아냈으니 가히 데뷔 20년차 밴드의 내공은 상상 이상이다. 컬쳐엠매거진이 대한민국 모던 락의 한 축을 담당하고 있는 더더를 만났다.
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