The actor with strong presence, Son Seung Won 온통 뜨거운 남자, 배우 손승원
In 2013, many peoples concerned about the casting of Son Seung Won for the musical ‘Headwig’. Because, he is already famous for a pretty face actor, the musical ‘Headwig’ is the totally different musical unlike his past musicals. Moreover, Son Seung Won knew very well that the musical ‘Headwing’ was so heavy for him at that time.
But he is the different actor as we knew. He repeated exercises do or die, finally, he made his successful stages at the musical ‘Headwig’ unlike everyone’s worries. And now, Son Seung Won who has enticed his audiences with the fair looks and tenacious acting returns to the stage. The new performance he has chosen after closing his last play ‘History Boyz’ is in an upcoming musical ‘Bear the musical’ on 29th June 2016.
The actor who has to solve complicated equation of a teen boy, who is going through the toughest moment of his life in a story that describes growth of teen boys, has sat down for an interview. CultureM Magazine meets a Korean actor who dominates the stage, Son Seung Won.
2013년, 뮤지컬 스타들의 등용문이라고 불리는 ‘헤드윅’에 손승원이 캐스팅 되었을 때, 대다수의 관객들은 기대보다는 우려 섞인 걱정을 하고 있는 것 같았다. 하얀 피부에 짙은 눈썹, 예쁘장하게 생긴 손승원이 과연 ‘헤드윅’의 무게를 이겨낼 수 있겠냐며. 마찬가지로 손승원 본인도 ‘헤드윅’의 무게는 쉽게 감당할 수 있는 정도가 아니라는 것을 알고 있었다.
하지만 손승원은 온통 붉고, 뜨거운 배우가 맞았다. 연습에 연습, 그리고 연습을 거듭해 그 어떤 배우보다 성공적인 ‘헤드윅’ 무대를 치뤄냈기 때문이다. 2009년, 뮤지컬 ‘스프링 에웨이크닝’으로 데뷔해서 지금까지 ‘쓰릴 미’, ‘밀당의 탄생’, ‘트레이스 유’, ‘헤드윅’, ‘히스토리 보이즈’ 등 굵직한 작품에서 선 굵은 연기를 선보이며 여전히 성장하고 있는 배우, 손승원. 컬쳐엠매거진이 다가오는 6월말, 뮤지컬 ‘베어 더 뮤지컬’로 돌아올 배우 손승원을 만났다.
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