Lee Ji Sun’s art life of research, ‘About the Repetition’ 반복에 관하여

9월 27, 2016 at 3:07 오후 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 구불거리는 시간들, 네모난 얼굴들, 달, 동그란 이야기들, 동그란 이야기들 네모난 얼굴들 구불거리는 시간들, 반복, 순수예술, 아트엠콘서트, 아트엠플러스, 오!재미동 갤러리, 컬쳐엠, 컬쳐엠 매거진, 파리, 프랑스
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Images & Texts by Lee Ji Sun 


Exit from the light and the time.(Digital photography, Geneva, 2015) – JiSun LEE(image source : JiSun LEE)

Mind full of the past day, I try to erase dizzy memories. A drunk person says the words he has just spread in the empty air. Unforgettable letters float around the forgotten person under dark and indifferent sky. The rising sunshine scatters last night’s phrases and brings the morning. Another day starts again.


Exit from the museum.(Digital photography, Paris, 2015) – JiSun LEE(image source : JiSun LEE)

About the age growing a certain intelligence, a baby watches the mother. Trying to teach the baby that the sound she makes with her mouth is a word, she pronounces the same thing again and again. The baby controls hardly his/her small lips to imitate the shape of hers. Once the baby makes the similar sound, he/she repeats. The word sounding from the mouth goes through the air, flies around two people, and enters back into the ears.


Exit from the underground.(Digital photography, Seoul, 2016) – JiSun LEE(image source : JiSun LEE)

Characters of the parents, meticulously observed every day, appear on the baby’s face more and more deeply. So familiar to be unconscious about, their habits and behaviors put on the baby. Soon after, he/she leaves their nest to meet other peoples and situations. Certain meetings are naturally abandoned, others naturally repeat. Daily observation makes little repetitions and variable sorts of habits. Strongly engraved ones reign over the person’s day and form a subtle connection between yesterday and today.


Exit from a room to another.(Digital photography, Geneva, 2015) – JiSun LEE(image source : JiSun LEE)

I go to a predicted place along familiar paths, and eat usual things at similar times. Individual habits constitute more or less singular personalities. One’s self keeps being constructed in collaboration of uncountable repetition faced with daily innovation. What has been experienced draws its silhouette in both conscious and unconscious background. It sometimes welcomes courageous changes, sometimes preserves older things. Repetitive actions keep and create a life at the same time.


Exit from the frontal wall.(Digital photography, Seoul, 2016) – JiSun LEE(image source : JiSun LEE)

As rounding a small marble on a palm, the Earth makes another turn. The Sun rises at the same place and sets at the other same point beyond the horizon. Nevertheless, today’s morning is just so far from the yesterday’s one, endlessly new, equally mysterious to anyone. The same body getting up from the same bed has grown of a day and carries the day’s track. In daily lives without particular differences, I celebrate the freshness and remember the special today with little novelties like somebody’s messages, a cup of coffee tasting better than the day before, passing from the 31 to 1, and so on.



SONY DSCContributor, Lee Ji Sun

Lee Ji Sun is a young Korean artist, who does activity in Paris, France. CultureM Magazine releases her art works images by drawing, writing, video, photograph in every month. http://artleejisun.com/

이지선은 프랑스 파리를 중심으로 유럽에서 활동하는 젊은 한국여성작가이다. 회화, 비디오, 사진, 글 등의 다양한 매체로 작품활동을 하고 있는 그녀의 이야기를 컬쳐엠이 소개한다. http://artleejisun.com/

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