Louis Vuitton 2015 s/s RTW collection 루이 비통의 2015년 봄, 여름
In that sense, Nicolas Ghesquière is maybe the winner of this fashion week in Paris.
2015 London S/S, ‘Ready to wear collection Review 4’ 런던 패션 위크 2015
Read this article about London fashion week(2015 s/s RTW collection) by contributor Lee Seung Min.
2015 London S/S, ‘Ready to wear collection Review 3’ 런던 패션 위크 2015
This season, Paul’s aesthetic was all about the modern working women full of artistic confidence.
2015 London S/S, ‘Ready to wear collection Review 2’ 런던 패션 위크 2015
Here is the Englsh review about London Fashion Week, ‘2015 s/s RTW collection’ by Lee Seung Min.
2015 London S/S, ‘Ready to wear collection Review 1’ 런던 패션 위크 2015
Here is the Korean review about London Fashion Week, ‘2015 s/s RTW collection’ by Lee Seung Min.
예술, 혹은 대중을 위한 짧은 이야기 A petition for the public and art
때때로 예술처럼 실체 없는 형상이 많은 전문가들의 의견과는 달리 일반적인 삶과는 동떨어진 방관자적 입장을 취하고 있는 것만 같다.
A petition for the public and art 예술, 혹은 대중을 위한 짧은 이야기
Sometimes we doubt that the art really influence our lives like most artists say.
고상함을 향한 천진난만한 일격, 키덜트 Ideology of Innocence, Kidult
‘키덜트’는 어린이를 의미하는 ‘kid’와 어른을 의미하는 ‘adult’의 합성어로, ‘마치 아이들 같은 감성과 취향을 가진 어른’을 뜻하는 신조어다.
Ideology of Innocence, Kidult 고상함을 향한 천진난만한 일격, 키덜트
the word “Kidult” is a new compound word of ‘Kid’ and ‘Adult’ which means the adult who has a taste and emotion like a kid.