Here we have a couple that is committed with love of wine 배두환 & 엄정선, 이 부부가 사는 법

6월 19, 2015 at 6:21 오후 , , Bae Doo Hwan, , , , France wine, Interview, Italian wine, , Um Jung Sun, video interview, Vino Antonio, , , Wine Review, 레드 와인, 배두환, 비노 안토니오, 세계 여행, 소믈리에, 스페인 와인, 아트엠콘서트, 아트엠플러스, 엄정선, 영상 인터뷰, 와인, 와인리뷰, 이탈리아 와인, 칠레 와인, 컬쳐엠, 컬쳐엠 매거진, 프랑스 와인, 호주 와인, 화이트 와인
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Photos by Bae Doo Hwan

Here we have a couple that is committed with love of wine. The man was widening his knowledge in wine while working as a journalist at a wine magazine and the woman was at the site meeting people and developing the wisdom on how to be happy with wine. In March 2013, the couple got married and went on a yearlong honeymoon around the world visiting wineries.

After the one year journey, the couple came back to in March 2015 Korea and opened up Vino Antonio, a wine bar where people can have conversation through a glass of value wine and more. The couple that met through wine and started the new life for wine, Bae Doo Hwan and Um Jung Sun. CultureM Magazine met the couple to talk about their happier than usual life and wine.

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Here we have a couple that is committed with love of wine, Bae Doo Hwan & Um Jung Sun

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Here we have a couple that is committed with love of wine, Bae Doo Hwan & Um Jung Sun

여기 와인으로 연을 맺어 부부가 된 남자와 여자가 있다. 남자는 와인 매거진 기자로 근무하며 와인에 관한 지식을 넓혔고 여자는 소믈리에로 활동하며 와인으로 교감할 수 있는 지혜를 체득했다. 이랬던 두 남녀가 우연치 않게 만나게 것도 와인 때문이니 이심전심, 염화미소, 무슨 말이 더 필요했을까.      

결국 두 남녀는 결혼에 성공했고 20143, 전 세계 와인 산지로 1년간의 신혼 여행을 떠났다1년이 지난 20153월에 그들은 돌아왔고, 보다 많은 사람들과 와인으로 소통하기 위해 아담하지만 충분히 의미 있는 공간, 와인 바 비노 안토니오을 마련했다. 컬쳐엠매거진이 물 없이는 살아도 와인 없이는 못사는 배두환, 엄정선 부부를 소개한다.


Here we have a couple that is committed with love of wine, Bae Doo Hwan & Um Jung Sun


Here we have a couple that is committed with love of wine, Bae Doo Hwan & Um Jung Sun


Here we have a couple that is committed with love of wine, Bae Doo Hwan & Um Jung Sun


Here we have a couple that is committed with love of wine, Bae Doo Hwan & Um Jung Sun


Here we have a couple that is committed with love of wine, Bae Doo Hwan & Um Jung Sun

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